Disney’s Raya and the Last Dragon (2021) is a mesmerizing animated adventure that transports audiences to the enchanting, fantasy world of Kumandra—a land inspired by the rich cultures of Southeast Asia. Directed by Don Hall and Carlos López Estrada, the film weaves a tale of trust, unity, and perseverance, brought to life with stunning visuals and a heartfelt narrative.
Once a harmonious land where humans and dragons lived together in peace, Kumandra is now fragmented into five divided regions: Heart, Fang, Spine, Talon, and Tail. The story follows Raya (voiced by Kelly Marie Tran), a fearless warrior princess from the Heart tribe. After a calamity unleashes the sinister Druun—evil spirits that turn people and dragons to stone—Raya embarks on a daring quest to find the legendary last dragon, Sisu (voiced by Awkwafina), who holds the key to restoring their world.
As Raya traverses the diverse landscapes of Kumandra, she encounters a host of unique characters, each representing different facets of the fractured society. Together, they must overcome their differences and learn to trust one another to defeat the Druun and reunite their land.