Battleship 2, the long-awaited sequel to the 2012 sci-fi action blockbuster, is set to release worldwide on August 15, 2025. With a massive production budget of $200 million, the film is one of the most expensive projects of the year, reflecting the studio’s ambition to deliver a visually stunning and action-packed spectacle.
Directed by Peter Berg, who helmed the original, the sequel brings together an all-star cast, including Liam Neeson, Jason Statham, and Gal Gadot, to take the franchise to new heights. The budget has been allocated to cutting-edge visual effects, large-scale naval battle sequences, and the creation of a new, more advanced alien fleet, ensuring the film delivers a jaw-dropping cinematic experience.
Directed by Peter Berg, who helmed the original, the sequel brings together an all-star cast, including Liam Neeson, Jason Statham, and Gal Gadot, to take the franchise to new heights. The budget has been allocated to cutting-edge visual effects, large-scale naval battle sequences, and the creation of a new, more advanced alien fleet, ensuring the film delivers a jaw-dropping cinematic experience.