What happens when humanity faces a deadly genetic mutation triggered by the moon itself?
Werewolves, directed by Steven C. Miller, is a gripping action-horror film set in a world devastated by a catastrophic supermoon event. A year after the supermoon activated a dormant gene in humans, transforming millions into bloodthirsty werewolves and causing widespread destruction, the threat resurfaces as another supermoon looms. The story follows Wesley Marshall (Frank Grillo) and Dr. Amy Chen (Katrina Law), scientists racing to prevent another apocalypse. Their mission becomes increasingly perilous as the streets descend into chaos and survival becomes uncertain. The filmβs intense narrative explores both the horror of transformation and the resilience of the human spirit in the face of overwhelming danger.
The movie is slated for a December 6, 2024, release, distributed by Briarcliff Entertainment. While box office projections remain uncertain, its mix of thrilling action and horror has garnered anticipation, especially among fans of Frank Grilloβs action-packed roles.