Thanksgiving (2023) is a horror-slasher film directed by Eli Roth, blending the terror of a slasher movie with the traditionally festive spirit of Thanksgiving. The story unfolds in Plymouth, Massachusetts, the birthplace of Thanksgiving, where a gruesome event during a Black Friday riot sets off a horrifying killing spree. A masked killer, inspired by the holiday, begins terrorizing the town, targeting its residents in increasingly brutal ways. As the murders continue, it becomes clear that the killings are part of a larger, sinister holiday-themed plan.
The film follows a group of characters, including Sheriff Eric Newlin (Patrick Dempsey) and social media influencer Jessica (Addison Rae), who find themselves at the center of this twisted killing spree. As the bodies pile up, the town must come together to uncover the killerโs identity and motivations before they fall victim to his grisly Thanksgiving dinner plans. The violence escalates with each kill, as the murderer leaves clues that reference various Thanksgiving traditions, turning a beloved holiday into a nightmare.
Rothโs direction promises an intense mix of suspense, dark humor, and extreme violence. Known for his work on other horror films like Hostel, Roth uses his signature style to subvert the cheerful connotations of Thanksgiving into a chilling and disturbing experience. The trailer teases scenes of suspense, with townspeople desperately trying to survive the holiday-themed terror, set against a backdrop of traditional Thanksgiving meals, decorations, and imagery.
Thanksgiving delivers a fresh take on the slasher genre by injecting a uniquely American holiday into the mix, creating a gruesome yet thematic story that horror fans will relish. Itโs a dark satire on consumer culture and holiday traditions, with over-the-top gore and plenty of jump scares. With its mix of well-known actors and a terrifying villain, the film looks to provide a holiday horror experience thatโs both shocking and entertaining.